bruna.dias's blog

Forum on Nursing Practice Regulation in the Region of the Americas

This forum aims to promote actions to advance nursing regulation systems in the Region of the Americas by discussing how countries assess the competency and training of professionals, the existence and use of proficiency exams for initial registration, requirements for renewal of professional registration, such as continuing education, and opportunities to expand professional roles and responsibilities.
Registration for virtual participation on March 15th and more information on the link below. Participation in-person by invitation.

Webinar to Launch the Special Issue Devoted to PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centres - 10 March 2023

We are pleased to invite you to participate in a virtual event for the launch of the Special Issue devoted to PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centres: Celebrating the achievement of our common goals. 
The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Pan American Journal of Public Health’s (PAHPH) have joined together to publish an issue which presents activities and research results that contributed to evidence-based health policies, best practices, and highlights Collaborating Centres’ support. Authors will present their articles and results.
Date: Friday, 10 March 2023

Capacitación de profesionales de enfermería en salud de los adolescentes (Available in Spanish)

La atención a los adolescentes requiere competencias técnicas, científicas y actitudinales para que los enfermeros y las enfermeras no se conviertan en una barrera para el avance del acceso y la cobertura universal de la salud para los adolescentes. 
La inversión en la capacitación y el entrenamiento de profesionales enfermería responderá a necesidades de salud de los adolescentes, especialmente los que se encuentran en situaciones de vulnerabilidad, como poblaciones indígenas, poblaciones afrodescendientes y poblaciones que viven en extrema pobreza.
